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EKCÓ¦LAB Community Health and Water Risk Analysis of Africa

This project is to identify key major risk of community health and water through inhabitant behavior, hygiene, and sanitation and demographics. Analysis and result in this project are data-driven to provide insights for stakeholders, government and non-governmental organisations to make decisions for helping local communities. Results are based on 3 values (high, medium and low risk). 


To summarise, 2023 was positive, as we engaged more than 300 youths all over the world in our international training this year from 1st-30th November, 2023. The training involved online and field work using our Android application (ekcolab Field Survey App) to assess local community health and water contamination. Six countries (Cameroon, Nigeria, Malawi, Rwanda, Zambia, and Uganda) actively conducted assessments.


With the data and direct information from the field and assistance from ekcolab leaders in these countries, we were able to determine the risk to community health and water in this area. In situations like Zambia, we identified 2 communities with high risk and 1 community with medium risk of infections and pollution related to waterborne diseases after analysing the data. Two weeks after our assessments and results, there was a cholera outbreak in Zambia, with one of these communities (Kuku-Lusaka) in our analysis being a hotspot for cholera infections and deaths in the current outbreak. To view our present dashboards and risk analysis of Africa 2023, including Zambia, please click the link to view and navigate the map and graph.




We are on a mission to cover the whole of Africa by 2030 to inform key stakeholders and other non-governmental organisations to support these communities before more outbreaks occur. We have found communities that have been abandoned, and the videos shared show how these people suffer with very bad water.They need the right to access clean water through your support or any of your connections that you can help us share. We have videos and pictures related to these conditions; all the data is real and current situations on the ground. We will be glad if you can assist us materially, technically, or financially so we can accomplish our mission for this project by 2030.


For more information on how to contact the team for your support, please write us on our email at;


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